If a person has useful knowledge, he can take it by profession and distribute it
Or it is obligatory to distribute it to others for the sake of Allah. And the teacher who tells his students that the knowledge I have taught. That knowledge is not to be taught to anyone. If the student did so, then both the teacher and the student are sinners. And the servant who says that I have researched day and night. Invest the money I have learned, I have learned it myself. Why should I teach someone so that they know that neither you nor your knowledge is yours, everything belongs to Allah, all knowledge belongs to Allah. Personal knowledge belongs to all the universe. Everything is the light of Allah.
Distribute knowledge, do not be arrogant as much as possible. Those who are arrogant know what is happening. Pharaoh became arrogant. So when he died, the earth threw him out as many times as he buried him in the earth. When thrown into the water the water also threw out is now lying in the box. Allah made it a sign till the Day of Resurrection And the story of the Titanic ship. So you must have heard the owner of the Titanic ship said in arrogance that "God can not sink this ship now." Then what happened that the ship sank so that more than a thousand people were all deadThe bodies were not found and a hundred years have passed. Scientists are still researching how the ship sank.
The first thing is that we are all human beings here and the second thing is, thank God, we are all Muslims. Because of this knowledge, man has been awarded this great status of noble creatures and this ability of knowledge in all creatures, only man can take into account every single word.I have given you knowledge and how many people you have reached, how many people you have benefited from.
So don't be as arrogant as the people of Paid Course, share the knowledge as much as you can for the sake of Allah or receive money. If you do it for the sake of Allah, Allah will give you as much as you can't even think. There is less than sharing money, but knowledge grows more than sharing, it never decreases.