Showing posts from January, 2021Show All
 If a person has useful knowledge, he can take it by profession and distribute it
 Great month, great people after more or less thirty years of in-depth research
 Jhal has eaten lentils made in desi ghee in the famous era of mills
Become a YouTuber, be careful and do it quickly, otherwise all your hard work will be wasted
 There is a gentleman living near my neighbor who only eats honey
I graduated in Mechanical in 2007
The peel of a spaghetti is called a horse and a flower in Persian.
Doll and doll wedding in childhood
Have you ever heard of such a temple?
You have to meet them to see how pure a person can be
 A Babaji had been on penance in a cave for years.
 Information about lentils that you may not know
God has given Pakistan a 1200 km long coastal belt
Science has placed monkeys and humans in the same group
Today we are learning the language in which God created life
 The story and reality of Heer Ranjha Who was Heer Ranjha?
 On his return to Amman a few years ago, he brought what he had brought on Begum's request
Secrets to living a successful and prosperous life
The golden rule of success in life that you must know
Some people are just left with memories