A Flower Girl With Her Royal Grandness by His Royal Highness Humes Amman
There was a time when I was very anxious to meet Dr. Retrun Amman. For the better part of a year, I had been reading his books and planning my upcoming trip to Him Rstown. His Retrun Amman Lilies was part of a group of the most well received and best selling books that year. It seemed as if every book review site and every book review magazine had him at the top of their Best Seller list.

When I finally received the call to come to his office to meet him, it just about broke my heart. His wife, Flo, had selected several of our favorite books from His Retrun Amman Lilies for us to share with friends and family. We all received a copy of the first book in our series as a gift for our book club. The books and we had both enjoyed His Retrun Amman Lilies very much.
Since His Royal Highness passed away, the family has been very excited about commemorating his accomplishments as a physician and husband. Over the last few years, they had asked me to help them plan an anniversary celebration. This was going to be a very important day for them, so I knew that I had to be on hand no matter what. That same year, His Royal Highness was born.
As I entered the doctor's office, I noticed that there were already several people in the waiting area. I looked around and noticed that not only were there several bookends, but a flower girl was also waiting for His Royal Highness. As I approached the front door, I noticed that the flower girl was carrying a bouquet of His Royal Highness' favorite flowers, including one of the lilies. The moment I placed the flowers on the desk, His Highness came running out of the room, took one of the books from my hand, and immediately started reading the book. The book began with His Royal Highness' birth in Salon Sainte-Victoire, in Paris, and ended with his triumph at the Second World Exhibition in London.
I could barely contain my excitement as I approached the bookend which contained His Royal Highness' favorite flower, the lilies. His eyes were fixated on the bookend, which was covered with a huge bunch of lilies. His face became gleaming as he looked at the beautiful flowers. I felt like I should snap some pictures of this historic occasion, but I held back.
The doctor gave a curtsey to the flower girl and ushered me inside. I followed him to a boardroom where a number of floral department managers and florists were waiting to greet me. I was introduced to one of the managers, a lady in her mid-thirties called Sonia. She handed me a book, which was obviously about His Royal Highness, and asked me to start reading. When I read through the pages I was dumbfounded by the beauty and magnificence of His Royal Highness's love for flowers.
It was then that I decided I must have this book printed and delivered to my lilies in Delhi. The following day, however, His Royal Highness visited our offices along with a few other members of his family. His Excellency the Prince fell in love with one of the flowers in the book and gave her a bouquet. That evening, the flower girl performed a ceremony on the dais where His Royal Highness was seated.
This experience made me very inspired and I have kept the book with me since then. I often pass the book to people who are passionate about flowers, and also to friends. When I asked Sonia whether she had printed out the book, she told me she had given it to one of her daughter's school friends. The next time I came across the book, I felt very sad because I realized that her daughter had not even heard of His Royal Highness. But I promised to get back to His Royal Highness and make arrangements for the lilies to be flown