You have to meet them to see how pure a person can be
The Best Ways to Meet Friends and Make New Friends in Your Community
Have you ever thought of going out on a date with someone you met online? Meet friends online and find out if it's the right thing for you. If you do decide to go out with them, then follow these tips so you can be safe.

Make a quick list of all the activities you're most comfortable with. Need some great ideas for meeting new friends in a different city, and other ways to meet interesting new friends online? Check out this list of fun activities to go along with meeting people through internet networking events.
Group setting. It doesn't matter what age you are, everyone likes to make friends. Whether your friends are young or old, meeting up with them regularly is a great way to make friends. Why not try a meet and greet social group setting? How about a coffee club? A group setting makes it easy for you to make friends.
Volunteer. Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet friends. Whether you want to help people in the neighborhood, help an animal shelter, or teach at a school, helping out is a great way to make friends. You can also volunteer to help in your local church, and get involved with various community projects. If you want to make friends locally, consider volunteering for a couple of weeks so that you can meet other new friends.
Join a gym. Even if you don't like to exercise, joining a gym is a good way to meet people with the same interests as you. If you have an interest in sports, why not sign up for a sports club? You will be surrounded by friends who have the same interest as you.
Join a sports team. Have an interest in sports? Are you interested in getting more fit? How about joining a sports team? If you enjoy playing a sport or even learning about it, then a sports team might be a good way to meet friends.
Join a book group. What's better than meeting new friends on a weekly basis? If you are a lover of books (and I'm sure you are), then maybe you would enjoy being a member of a book group. Book groups are a great way to meet friends and discuss all things written! If you don't have a problem with reading books but are looking for a new group to socialize with, then start a Facebook group for book lovers and see how much fun it is!
Now that you know a few ways to meet friends and make new ones, go visit your new friend locations. I encourage you to try them out and take advantage of their services. If they don't work out, then don't just lose them; give them another chance. Meet friends, make new friends and then make some more friends. It's a good way to meet friends in your new city!
If you don't have a book club, but still want to meet new people, there are other options. One of my favorites is the "meet friends" approach. If you go to a "meet up" type event, then you will find a variety of new people with whom you can socialize and/or get to know. You will also be able to meet friends at the event who share your interests.
Another one of the best ways to meet friends online is by joining one of the many Facebook groups that are available. Millions of people join Facebook Groups and chat with like-minded friends all over the world. You are sure to meet people with common interests and hobbies, and make some great new friends. There are hundreds of different types of groups, so I encourage you to explore your possibilities.
Last but not least, if you enjoy taking photos, you may want to start an exciting photography hobby. As long as you enjoy it, you will find it is a great way to make connections with others and meet people in your community. Start with basic group membership and as you learn more, you can open up yo