Six Major Problem Faced by Online Instructors
One of the biggest challenges of teaching is that there are a lot of things that teachers can do wrong. And it is not just limited to students but also to the system itself. This is the reason why there are a lot of six major problems encountered when teaching online. These six problems are listed below and it will be our guide for you to overcome these challenges:

- Failure to give clear instructions. It is very easy to give clear instructions to your students on the internet, with all the necessary multimedia and visual aid, but when you are face to face with your students, especially in teaching live classes, you have to do it differently. You have to use multimedia to explain your lesson then quickly explain the same thing again using visuals. When teaching live classes, you would want your students to grasp every idea and thought in your class even if you are explaining something completely different online.
- Failure to motivate your online students. The key to motivating your online students is to constantly talk about them. You need to remind them about what you are teaching, how it would help them in their future career, and what they can achieve from it.
- Failure to communicate with your students. Communication is the key to a better classroom discussion. Most of the time, online teaching is done through email, instant messages, text chats and sometimes even voice calls. With all these communication tools, it is important to keep in touch with your students, no matter what they are doing. Ask your students' opinion on certain topics. Remind them about deadlines and goals and inform them about any upcoming activities that they might have to take part in.
- Failure to keep up to date with new technologies. Online teaching is done mostly through technology. This means that teachers must be well-informed about the latest tools and platforms being used by their students. It is important to know and understand these tools to be able to teach them effectively. In addition, teachers should also update themselves with the different technologies that are out in the market so that they can use them properly.
- Teaching too much. This is often a problem that happens with teachers who have a large number of tasks to do in their classroom. Online teaching is no different. You will have to allot some time for research, preparation and assessment. As a teacher, you should also be able to devote a good amount of time to one-on-one teaching so that your students can easily learn from you.
- Not communicating with your students. This is perhaps the most common reason as to why some students leave their classes. There is a need for you to make sure that you always communicate with your students even when they are not in front of the computer. You can do this either through instant messaging or regular emails so that you can keep your students updated with what's happening in your classroom.
Having six major problems with online teaching does not mean that you are a failure. It only means that you might want to improve on your ways of preparing and supervising your lessons. If you do these things, you will surely find success with online teaching. Good luck!
The first problem that you could have is that you did not motivate your students to learn. Even if you have a clear explanation as to why you are teaching them and they know it, there is a big chance that they would not pay attention. If you do not set clear expectations, then you will end up with six major problems. Therefore, make sure that you set clear expectations before you begin your lesson.
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