Some Natural Habitat for Humans in Disaster Areas

It has come to my attention that there are some Natural Habitat Of Human thrown around without much thought. Some Natural Habitat Of Human in the Natural Habitat Of Animals list is where the name came from. The premise of the Natural Habitat Of Animals list is that all animals live in nests and in dens that they build in soil. It is also worth pointing out that most animal's homepages on this list seem to repeat information given on the Natural Habitat Of Animals list over again.
Why does so many Animal Species fail to utilize their Natural Habitat? Is it the lack of shelter, or prey, or disease? Perhaps it is too many predators or too many parasites? Who knows?
Some Natural Habitat Of Human I have observed is a little out of the ordinary. The Natural Habitat Of Human seems to be a little different for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the human group of animals is a highly complex group of vertebrates. Each vertebrate has, as part of its natural makeup, certain specialized body parts that help the animal to perform certain functions. Humans are vertebrates with a few missing body parts. So we must use those body parts to develop skills and use those skills in other areas.
What types of skills do animals in the Natural Habitat of Humans have developed? Some Natural Habitat Of Human vertebrates have developed some language. Can an animal have language? Some animals have been taught to use fire. Can an animal teach fire to humans? Yes, they can.
Some animals have been trained to herd farm animals, herd cats and dogs, herd chickens and other farm animals, and herd fish. Can such animals survive in the wild without direction? Indeed, they can and do. And many have done so quite well.
Some animals have been domesticated for other purposes, but have retained their animal instincts and behaviors. Some animals have been hunters and prey animals. Some animals are herbivores and eat vegetation or flowers. Some are insectivores and eat pests and worms.
Some animals have been useful to humans in one way or another. Some animals are useful to the farming industry and other industries. Some animals provide us with food, some with milk products, and some with eggs and meat. All these animals and many more like them provide us with an important part of our Natural habitat.
In this day and age when people have been selfish and self-centered, it is amazing that anyone would deny that animals count and ought to be respected and protected. People should not be selfish and self-centered and kill animals just because they do not think the way the rest of us do. It is not our nature to kill or injure animals, but unfortunately we have been trained and now have the opportunity to learn better.
Some people feel that by taking animals out of their natural habitat that they will be setting a good example to future generations. Some feel that if we let the animals die that they will not be able to survive. This is simply not true. If we raise the animals properly, they will be able to reproduce and survive. It is the loss of these animals that has caused so much distress and misery for the world.
We need to teach our children and our future generation what it means to take care of animals and how we treat them. Some parents don't understand the nature of raising animals and how hard it is, but I assure you that once you start to understand it you will understand. You must also realize that each animal on the planet suffers and if we can teach our children the compassion that we should have for all living things, then the world would be a better place. There will be no m