How to Save a Second Marriage Story From Divorce
My husband and I tied the knot in our country, but we are not yet ready to share our life story on wedding blogs. That is why I have prepared this short article on marriage stories. You may even find this interesting and may want to give it a read. You need to understand that there are many different reasons people choose to marry. Some people marry for cultural or financial reasons, while others do so because they enjoy each other's company and are happy to be together.

Let us continue with our second marriage story, that of the Pakistani woman who recently got married. She had a lot of reasons to do so. She loved her husband, loved the community she was a part of and especially loved her children. She had a plan to remarry, but before getting the paperwork together, she wanted to make sure her husband was fine with it.
As it turns out, he was more than fine. His wife assured him that she fully understood his needs for time away from home. She made arrangements and accommodations for him to be able to travel for a few days to his other half's house in Lahore. The first couple of days were difficult for the man, but now that the house is so far, he feels very at home. He cannot imagine staying alone in a new marriage.
When I was preparing the second marriage story, I asked the husband what motivated him to remarry. He said it was because his other wife was unhappy and treated him as if he were an outsider. She did not let him be who he was and did not believe him when he said he felt the same. This led to an argument that getting physical at times, and finally ended up in divorce.
One thing I learned from this second marriage story is that men need to take the lead when it comes to communicating with their wives. The woman may be supportive and loving, but often needs to be heard. A man does not always have to talk about his feelings. If his wife understands and respects him, he can share without any problems. As long as there are no threats, arguments or criticism, he can do this quite effectively.
Another important lesson I learned is how to take good care of yourself. Women need to feel that they are loved just as much as their husbands. This can be tough to do, as many men do not feel the same way about their wives. It takes effort to make your relationship a priority.
In addition to these key points, you should also develop a good communication style. You should not always expect the best results from your partner. Instead, accept any help graciously. At times, it can be a challenge to accept help, but when you are in the moment and things seem to be going badly, don't be afraid to take some time for yourself. Let your man know that you need some personal space.
A second marriage story often includes what happened after a couple of years of marriage. If you want to create a stronger bond with your husband, you need to spend more quality time with each other. Even if you are tempted to check your email or watch the news, don't. It is time for you to connect on a deeper level and reconnect.
You need to find some common interests. It can be difficult for you to do this if there have been many changes in your life. However, if you feel some common bonds, work on developing those. It may take some time, but you will feel closer and stronger as a result.
Finally, take some time to enjoy your time together. If you two have had a difficult time in the past, go out on dates. If there have been children, plan some time to be with them. Do things that are meaningful to you both. It will show your husband that you still value his opinions and his feelings.